Monday, May 28, 2012

Mini Multi Tools

I have a Leatherman Wave but I find it way too bulky and heavy to carry in my pants pocket. I don't wear it on my belt because thats not fat guy friendly.

So I recently purchased a mini multi tool. It's from Swiss Tech Tools, the Mini Multitool 8-in-1.

For a Mini Multitool I think its pretty good. For starters it's only 3 ounces. Completely folded up it's shorter than a standard size lighter. It's closed dimentions are 2-7/8” x 1-1/8” x 1/2”. At it's longest (with the pliers open) it's 4-3/8" long. What sold me was one of the 8 tools which is a flashlight.

The 8 tools are according to their website are:
  1. Needle Nose Pliers
  2. Wire Cutter
  3. Can Opener
  4. Phillips Screwdriver
  5. Straight Edge Knife
  6. Serrated Knife
  7. LED Flashlight
  8. Key Ring
It seems pretty solid. The flash light being attached I find as a plus rather than a seperate flash light, it's also very bright. There are one con to this tool is that there is no flat screwdriver, but I guess you can use the knife edge or the flat tip of the serrated knife. You can buy it off their site for $9.99. It comes with a nylon belt case and batterys for the flashlight.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Do you think TV makes it worse? or Better?

I don't watch too much TV, but somethings make you wonder.

I like the show "The Walking Dead" on AMC. (On my first post I did forget to mention the zombie apocalypse). but if you watch you see them gathering certain things. It's mostly a drama... not so much as a how to.

Or if you ever saw the TV show "Jericho" they thought of doing certain things, I remember one instance, where the power was out, no running water, and all of the sudden they got power back, they filled the bathtub up with water to store water because they weren't sure how long they would have it for. I would actually go back and watch this to get some ideas. Unfortunately this show was canceled.

I know this maybe a cheesy example, but there was a reality show "The Colony" on the Discovery Channel. They also had a bunch of ideas too, for power, water, and food.  This show had 2 seasons, maybe a 3rd (C'mon Discovery Channel!) I would actually go back and watch this to get some ideas too.

Do you have any TV shows or Movies that come to mind when you think about stuff to prepare for, or what they did that you thought was a good idea? If so please post!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I've always wanted to be more prepared. I used to be in boy scouts growing up, and their motto was "Be Prepared". I remember as a kid when my family used to take annual summer camping trips we always had a specific bunch of stuff that we had packed up, and ready to go.

We had 2 plastic totes with all our kitchen stuff, at the campsite they had a bench that when we stacked the bins on top of each other and put our camp stove on top of the totes, it was the same exact height of the table, like it was meant to be.  My family hasn't gone camping in 20 years, but if we wanted to go tomorrow on a whim, we would have only to pull the stuff down from the attic, and we would be "Ready to Go".

That's just a small example, but it goes to show you that readiness can be as close to happiness.

With the way the world is today, it may not be long before we all may need to be "That Ready".
I know it sounds like a grim way of looking at things but look at it from the other perspective, of already being ready.

How would you like to be the one who is wet, hungry, cold, and worst of all panicked and afraid?

With being ready, you don't have to be.

I am trying to be ready, for me and my family. This is the process.

Currently I live in an area less than 6 miles from an aging nuclear power plant, I can see the strobe from the cooling tower on a foggy night. At work I can just look out the window to see it in the daylight.

My House is a mile and a half from the bay.

I live in a suburban area near the Garden State Parkway in New Jersey, which in the past has been closed due to huge forest fires, snow, a mild earth quake, and hurricanes, all of which happened within the last 5 years I have lived here.

Do you see where I might want to be ready?